On the Surface

My photo
United Kingdom
The scatterbrained thoughts of a wife (who's married to a military man), mother, daughter and friend and most importantly a follower of Jesus. A place for me to share my life and thoughts with others, but mainly for my own satisfaction. You don't have to agree with my opinions, and that's ok. If you like being wrong. Ha!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The First Few Weeks

I'm so glad I have pictures to document his first few weeks, because I really don't remember much. No sleep does that to you!

In his swing.

This was the picture we used for his birth announcements. SO cute.

So Cute!

These are some oh so cute outfits and boots that my Great Aunt Peggy made for Roman (and the blanket too). Sorry for the not so great quality, I'm still figuring my camera out

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ah, the labor

Yes my friends, it hurts. Yes, get the epidural. Yes, you too, can do it.
This is most defnitely taken post-epidural, after many tears and contractions. (Notice the tre chic hat they let you wear to be fashionable for the big epidural event).

Finally, after 3+ hours of pushing, Roman arrived on June 2nd, 6:41 p.m., 7 lbs. 7oz. and 19 inches long. THANK GOD. Is that an alien you ask? Nope, that's my goopy new born, and I was happy to meet him and have him OUT! Whew.

Our first family pic.

He's not enjoying all the pinching and prodding and nakedness. Sorry kid.
All bundled and snuggly and wide-eyed and cute. And I LOVE HIM


While Roman sleeps, I'm going to try to back track and catch up on this a little bit. I was unable to update at the end of my pregnancy due to a third trimester condition known as laziness. It was a pretty severe case. This may take a few posts to catch up on, but bear with me as I try to bring this thing into the present.
Here we are all smiles on our way to the hospital to being induced. All smiles. Obviously no pain.

Another pregnancy condition known as rear end whale-us maximus.