On the Surface

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United Kingdom
The scatterbrained thoughts of a wife (who's married to a military man), mother, daughter and friend and most importantly a follower of Jesus. A place for me to share my life and thoughts with others, but mainly for my own satisfaction. You don't have to agree with my opinions, and that's ok. If you like being wrong. Ha!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Feelin' Fat All Over

Today is 34 weeks, and I had another Dr.'s appointment. Everything looks good so far, and she said the baby's about 41/2 lbs right now. By her guesstimations, Roman will be 7-71/2 lbs when he's born. He's got a very healthy heartbeat, all his organs look good, and he's pretty much done cookin' except his lungs need a little more maturing.
The Dr. kept trying to get a good face shot of him, but he was being very stubborn and did not want his picture taken. Sounds like someone else I know. ( Don't worry Fernando, I won't mention any names.) Here are some pictures we were able to get of the cute chubby baby:

Trying to be crafty and use his hand as a shield from the camera.

His Cute Hand

And Here's a picture of the not so cute chubby mommy:
I'm very happy that the baby is healthy and growing strong, but I'm definitely ready to be able to breathe again. And it will be nice to sleep without my hips hurting throughout the night, and no more karate chops in the ribs and abdomen. Only 6 more weeks! (I hope!)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Beware of Vicious Turtles

This post has nothing to do with being pregnant or Roman. I think.

Anyway, on Sunday, Fernando and I decided to try a restaurant in Ray City, (which is where we live, but normally eat out in Valdosta because way more options there). So we head out only to discover that the TWO restaurants in Ray City are closed on Sundays. Woot for small town!

Then we head north to Nashville, which is only this much bigger than Ray City, but has a few chain restaurants to choose from. So we take that great "Sunday Drive" down highway 125 to get there. (BTW, 125 is only a two lane highway, but also the main road in and out of Ray City and Nashville, and known for fast speeding vehicles). As were driving, we noticed a small animal right smack dab in the middle of the lane. This is not unusual, because there is SERIOUSLY new roadkill everyday here. However, as we drove past, we noticed a small difference in this one. It had no fur, but a shell, and was alive. So we, being the awesomely compassionate people we are, turn around and pull over so that Fernando can help the little guy out. We put our hazard lights on and Fernando nudges the turtle with his foot to make sure he is alive (which he was) and comes back to the car to get a rag to carry the turtle across the road. While he's getting the rag out of the trunk of the car, a truck behind us doesn't bother to slow down, only drives in the middle of the road to avoid us and pays NO ATTENTION TO THE TURTLE WE'RE TRYING TO SAVE!!! Fernando and I both turn our heads avoiding what we both are sure is the end of the turtle. (I'm watching all this safely from within the car by the way.) This is a good day for turtle, though. The turtle wasn't hit at all, he went through the exact middle of the truck safely, rather than being squished by the tires. Whew.

Then Fernando goes and picks the turtle up and all of a sudden the turtle starts hissing at him! So Fernando tries to hurry across the road, and then the turtle starts wiggling crazy-like and going frantic, and Fernando lost his grip on Mr. Turtle and drops him. (Thankfully onto the grass!) However, there was a bunch of water at the bottom of the ditch that Fernando let him go near, and Fernando wasn't able to spot him. So we hope that he was a water turtle that can swim. Otherwise, all that effort was in vain to save a stupid turtle that was trying to go all ninja on Fernando.

We did however enjoy lunch at Pizza Hut in Nashville. Which IS open on Sundays.

P.S. Ironically, Roman's room has a turtle theme. I hope that's not some kind of omen!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Baby Showers and Such

Here are some pictures of a couple of baby showers thrown for me by my Sunday School class and a women's Bible study I go to on Wednesdays. I was definitely "showered" with much love and baby items. They were both lots of fun.

My friend Aileen with guess as to how big my belly was.

Laura taking a guess. Her's didn't count tho because she'd already won baby bingo!

My Wednesday Bible study group shower

Roman's Cake. Mmmm chocolate....

I also had a Dr.'s visit on Monday. All is good with the baby. We were going to get an ultrasound done but the machine was broken and they won't have their replacement for a week. However, my Dr.'s appointments are now every two weeks, so we'll get it done on the 20th and won't have to wait a month. YAY! This was also the first Dr.'s visit that Fernando went to, and we did listen to the heartbeat which was nice and strong. On the downside (which is on the upside of the scale, lol) I've gained 27 lbs so far, and I had a big jump in my weight from the last time. The Dr. wasn't worried, but she did say it can't jump that much everytime now, lol.

32 weeks and 3 days. (8 months)