On the Surface

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United Kingdom
The scatterbrained thoughts of a wife (who's married to a military man), mother, daughter and friend and most importantly a follower of Jesus. A place for me to share my life and thoughts with others, but mainly for my own satisfaction. You don't have to agree with my opinions, and that's ok. If you like being wrong. Ha!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

So About England...

Waaaaaay back in June of 2010, we received orders to England. I at first greeted this news with disdain. I did NOT want to move further away from family! Living so far already was hard, especially having Roman and not being able to have that close relationship with his cousins and grandparents and Tios and Tias like I'd always assumed my kids would have. With time though, the thought of England grew on me, and it didn't hurt that Fernando dangled the "think of ALL the traveling we can do!" carrot in front of me. Slowly, I secretly became excited for it, and then had to wait the 8 loooong months for it to actually happen.

Fast forward to February 22nd, and we land in England. The weather was gray, cold and rainy, and I should've taken it for a foreshadowing of events to come, lol. We lived in TLF (the base lodging) for roughly three weeks, waiting for Fernando to finish in processing at the base, and looking for the right house for us. We found a house we really liked that would hold our huge American furniture, and was in the town we were hoping to live in. Finally~ settling in was on the horizon, we just needed our stuff and car to arrive and we would be golden!

Seven days after we had "moved in" (I use the term loosely, as we had 4 suitcases), Fernando received a phone call in the middle of the night that he had to bring in his bags and be at work in an hour. He was deploying and couldn't tell me where, or for how long. I numbly got out of bed to try and scurry and finish helping him gather his things (most of which were already in his bag) and try to process what was happening. What was I going to do? I didn't have my car, and the car we just bought was stick shift, which I can't drive, I didn't have my driver's license, NOT to mention the fear of driving ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE ROAD, we lived 30 minutes away from base, how was I going to get there to TAKE the driver's course/test, we didn't have ANY of our household goods, and the cherry on top? We needed groceries yesterday. However, I kept my worries to myself for the moment, trying not to burden Fernando with them, as I know he knew all of these things on top of having to leave us. I waited downstairs as he went up to quietly kiss Roman goodbye, I hugged him through tears as long as time allowed, kissed him, and watched him walk out the door.

The next day, overwhelmed with fear and anxiety, I just kept to myself. I didn't call anyone on base or reach out for help. I just needed the day to feel sorry for myself and let out sobs whenever they came. By the end of the evening, I decided that was enough, time to put my big girl pants on and face reality. And that I did.

I called the only person I semi-knew, Joey, and she and her sister Ashi were more helpful to me than I could've asked for. Joey was working, but she called her sister (whom I'd met once for all of 10 minutes) who picked Roman and I up, watched him while I took the driver's course and test, and then took us to the commissary so I could fill our fridge up, all of which took up her entire day. While at the driver's course, I met Holly, who picked me up to go and get our licenses (I passed, YAY!), and also to pick up our car, which arrived the next week. And within that week our household goods and unaccompanied baggage arrived.

During the day that I took to pout about my situation (which was a Monday) I just kept crying out to God, telling Him how scared I was, I just didn't know where to start. I kept telling Him that my head knows He is in control and is with me, but in that moment I felt abandoned. This was a time that I really needed Him, not just for me, but because I also have Roman now.  As the rest of the week played out, I had not felt God's presence and provision so strongly in such a long time. I don't know that I've ever felt as much anxiety as I did that day, but any doubts that He loved me and was there were removed by the blessings He poured out on me and Roman that week. I started to realize that even as far back as July, He was already orchestrating His provision.

In July, Fernando and I went down to Florida to go and visit his friend James who was getting married. He and James were previously stationed at Lakenheath together, and his girlfriend Joey, who was from the UK, surprised him with a visit, which he in turned surprised her with a proposal, and they eloped. (So ROMANTIC!) After our visit, I didn't have much contact with Joey on FB, but she did come and see us while were staying in lodging on Base here in England a few times. If we had skipped out on the impromptu trip to Florida, I would've never met Joey.

As I mentioned previously, I met Holly in the driver's course, she also more than went out of her way to help us, and two bonuses with her- she also is a fellow believer, AND she's not drama. My kind of peeps. She has become my good friend here.

Fernando's deployment lasted 3 weeks, but those 3 weeks felt like an eternity. My faith was definitely stretched, pulled, but also renewed.

One thing that kept coming to my mind during my time of prayer and those 3 weeks was a chapter from LORD, I Want to Know You by Kay Arthur. I had done this Bible study with Miss Sharon Holder, and that chapter was on Jehovah Jirah. This study was all about the names of God, and Jehovah Jirah is "the Lord will provide." During this study, Roman was still an infant, so I was doing good to just be showing up. However, I did remember this week, and ACTUALLY DID THE HOMEWORK, which also meant memorized the verse, which was Philippians 4:19 "And my God shall supply all your needs, according to His riches in glory."

So many other things that can be construed as "bad" came up, way too many to list, but with each and every single one came an answer, even though it wasn't the easy or what should've been the normal answer or way to do things.

I don't believe in coincidence. I don't believe it was an accident I  met Joey in July. I don't believe it was an accident that I started talking and made friends with Holly, who isn't "accidentally a fellow believer". I don't believe it was an accident that Jehovah Jirah is the ONLY chapter in that Bible study that I vividly remember.

I do believe that God cares for me, for my family, and for you. I believe He wants to show you His grace and shower His abundant provision for you. I also know that usually means taking you to the most uncomfortable and scary depths, so that there is no room for doubt or glorification of others when He does what only He can do.

As we gear up for yet another deployment, I KNOW that know matter what may spring up, God is in control, and I know that I can look back at this time and KNOW that He will provide ALL of my needs, and no matter what I may momentarily think, He is my true provider.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

More Than a Few Yesterdays

It has been quite some time since I've posted anything, and really I've missed it. I don't know if I thought I'd post everyday or something, but apparently even the thought of posting become overwhelming and I just never did it. However, I think I'm going to make it my new goal to post at least once a week. It may have to do with Roman, it might be something that I thought was funny, or something that's just been weighing on my mind. I think with Facebook, it was just easier to post pictures and keep family up to date that way.

I'm not one to post much opinion on Facebook, because I'm not looking to start debates there. I have many "Facebook" friends that I strongly disagree with, but don't necessarily want their feedback there. I think I feel more comfortable posting my opinions and ideas here, and that this forum is more suited for that. So with that, hopefully I'll be posting more frequently. I guess I'll make it my Mid-Year's Resolution! =)