On the Surface

My photo
United Kingdom
The scatterbrained thoughts of a wife (who's married to a military man), mother, daughter and friend and most importantly a follower of Jesus. A place for me to share my life and thoughts with others, but mainly for my own satisfaction. You don't have to agree with my opinions, and that's ok. If you like being wrong. Ha!

Friday, February 13, 2009

What I've Been Doing

The weather here has been warmer lately, so I busted out my camera and went to the lake on base. Nothing spectacular, but just trying to get more familiar with my new camera.

I also made some curtains. Don't try to find the mistakes people, it's my first true attempt at a sewing project. I'm proud of them. So there!

I've also been continuing to grow a person. He's getting bigger. I know because I'm getting bigger, and he's causing some strife for my back and my ribs.
Sorry if the self-belly portraits aren't that great. It's kinda difficult to take pictures of your own stomach. (You try!)
People are beginning to have no doubts that I'm pregnant also. And by people, I mean strangers. I went to the mall just to get out and do something, and I had several glances. Kinda funny when someone glances at you and looks down. I've had that happen before, (not often tho!) and it's usually a male person and he's looking at my chest. Or was trying to. Except, now, both sexes look down, and they go past my chest. To my big fat stomach. However, people are more courteous, too. When I was walking into the mall, a man went way out of his way to open the door for me. That's kinda nice. : )
P.S. I'm 24 weeks and 4 days in the pics.


Our Three Peas said...

Very cute! Great pictures! I'll add you to my blog so I can check in regularly! =)


In With the Light said...

congrats! you look great! and your blog is super cute!