On the Surface

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United Kingdom
The scatterbrained thoughts of a wife (who's married to a military man), mother, daughter and friend and most importantly a follower of Jesus. A place for me to share my life and thoughts with others, but mainly for my own satisfaction. You don't have to agree with my opinions, and that's ok. If you like being wrong. Ha!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Roman's Room

So here are some before pictures of Roman's room.
(And of Fernando prepping the room for paint :D) The walls were the same neutral yellow color that's in the rest of the house.

The after paint job! We LOVE the way everything turned out. I still have to make the curtains and sew a few other things, so I'll add those pics whenever that gets done. The shelf that's there was something we already had, but decided to find furniture that would match that. We looked at cribs at Target, and found one we liked, but weren't able to get it (after going online and to a Target 2 HOURS away) we settled on this one. Which turned out to be WAY less expensive and PERFECT match. WOO HOO!

Fernando painted most of the room. I painted some of the wall that the shelf is leaning against, but Fernando did the borders and the rest of the room. He's pretty much a professional.
And yes, his carseat/stroller matches his room. We didn't do that intentionally do that, we're just that good. :P

1 comment:

Tabitha said...

LOVE it! You guys are room-painting-and-decorating PROS. :)